小型SAR衛星の開発および観測データを活用したソリューションサービス提供企業でのSatellite Operation Engineerの求人
Satellite Operation Engineer
About Dept. and Unit:
The Satellite Development Department 1 designs, develops and performs maintenance for satellites. The Operation unit is in charge of LEOP and Commissioning of all satellites, and the maintenance of all satellites on orbit.
As a satellite operation engineer you will be responsible for overall satellite health and maintenance operations. You will monitor the satellite telemetry, in real-time as well as recorded data to determine the health and condition of the satellite. You will identify and report anomalies and work together with design engineers to perform troubleshooting.
Working together with other satellite and ground system teams, you will be part of the launch and early operation planning as well as nominal, recovery and decommissioning operations.
It is also expected that you will participate in improving operation processes and workflow and provide feedback to satellite and ground system design engineers.
※As part of your satellite operation duties, you will be required to respond to emergencies during night or weekends.
●Deatails of work:
The work involves real time satellite operation, telemetry analysis, and troubleshooting of anomalies when they occur
●Selling points of the role:
・Fast paced atmosphere
・Freedom to work independently or as a group, depending on preference.
・Possibility to match individual pursuits with goals of the company.
・Flexible hours
・Ability to have a stake in decision making
・Frequent interaction with other teams
Scope of change: Inside the Within the Satellite Development 1
The Satellite Development Department 1 designs, develops and performs maintenance for satellites. The Operation unit is in charge of LEOP and Commissioning of all satellites, and the maintenance of all satellites on orbit.
As a satellite operation engineer you will be responsible for overall satellite health and maintenance operations. You will monitor the satellite telemetry, in real-time as well as recorded data to determine the health and condition of the satellite. You will identify and report anomalies and work together with design engineers to perform troubleshooting.
Working together with other satellite and ground system teams, you will be part of the launch and early operation planning as well as nominal, recovery and decommissioning operations.
It is also expected that you will participate in improving operation processes and workflow and provide feedback to satellite and ground system design engineers.
※As part of your satellite operation duties, you will be required to respond to emergencies during night or weekends.
●Deatails of work:
The work involves real time satellite operation, telemetry analysis, and troubleshooting of anomalies when they occur
●Selling points of the role:
・Fast paced atmosphere
・Freedom to work independently or as a group, depending on preference.
・Possibility to match individual pursuits with goals of the company.
・Flexible hours
・Ability to have a stake in decision making
・Frequent interaction with other teams
Scope of change: Inside the Within the Satellite Development 1
●Minimum qualifications / 必須要件
・Bachelor of Engineering in Aerospace Engineering (preferred) or its equivalent
・Basic programming skills
・Problem solver, critical thinker
・Team player that thrives under pressure
・Business level English and Basic Japanese
●Preferred qualifications / 希望要件
・1-3 years work experience in space industry, satellite development and operations preferred
・Experience with spacecraft operations or sub system design in any of the following fields: Electrical Power Systems, Propulsion, Attitude Control or Communication Systems
・Experience in small satellite design/operation
・Bachelor of Engineering in Aerospace Engineering (preferred) or its equivalent
・Basic programming skills
・Problem solver, critical thinker
・Team player that thrives under pressure
・Business level English and Basic Japanese
●Preferred qualifications / 希望要件
・1-3 years work experience in space industry, satellite development and operations preferred
・Experience with spacecraft operations or sub system design in any of the following fields: Electrical Power Systems, Propulsion, Attitude Control or Communication Systems
・Experience in small satellite design/operation
- これまでの経験を活かして、ECサイト、決済サービス運営ベンチャー企業へ(50代/男性/専門学校卒)
- キャリアアップを希望、テクノロジーとコンサルティング双方を持つITコンサルティング企業へ(30代/男性/専門学校卒)
- 証券会社から有名メガベンチャー資本の急成長フィンテック企業へ(40代/男性/私立大学卒)
- 予てから希望していたIT業界へ(30代/男性/県立高校卒)
- 地方での転職、ソフトウェアの品質保証、テストサービスを主力事業とするIT企業へ(40代/男性/私立大学卒)
- 幅広い経験を活かして、日本を代表する電機・通信機器メーカーへ(30代/男性/私立大学卒)
- ソフトウェアの品質保証、テストサービスを主力事業とするIT企業へ(40代/男性/私立大学卒)
- 信頼できるコンサルタントからの案件を丁寧に活動、日本を代表する電機・通信機器メーカーへ(50代/男性/私立大学卒)
- スキルアップを目指し、クラウド黎明期から市場を牽引し続けるベンチャー企業へ(30代/男性/国立大学卒)
- IT領域での経験を活かして、大手日系生命保険会社へ(30代/男性/国立大学院卒)