欧州最大のコンサルティングファームでのSupport Managerの求人
Support Manager
- Address service targets, aspiration and client expectations.
- Develop, manage and maintain effective working relationships with all Richemont eco system contacts.
- Provide a well structured working environment in which the team are service fcused, motivated and feel encouraged to take on new challenges and improve their skills
- Effectively manage and motivate the team
- Monitor and report progress to Richemont
- Allocate work to the team(s)
- Manager team-related issues and risks
1. SLAs/KPIs
watching over the SLAs and KPIs of the Team and making sure that those are delivered on target,
facilitating the Team the possibilities to deliver the SLAs and KPIs agreed in the contract,
tracking risks and issues in SLAs and KPIs delivery and addressing them in appropriate manner,
anticipating potential risks and issues in SLA and KPI delivery by correct Team management
2. Communication
Always transmitting any messages to the Team or Team member, both oral or written, in a polite and politically correct manner. Despite the circumstances of the behavior on the other side, your communication always needs to be professional, calm, lacking of personal opinion or lacking in emotional character,
Informing in advance the Team or a Team member about their duties. The information should be shared in an effective manner, they way it’s not only a task completion, but will have result in the addressed people/person actions; Be aware that sometimes it may require changing communication manner or channel or combining different methods until the expected result is being observed.
Informing in advance the Team or a Team member about potential changes. The information should be shared in an effective manner, they way it’s not only a task completion, but will have result in the addressed people/person actions; Be aware that sometimes it may require changing communication manner or channel or combining different methods until the expected result is being observed.
Listen to the Teams or individual’s feedback, both oral and written, in a non-retaliation manner and improve processes and procedures whenever possible.
Respond in a timely manner to emails and chats, both from your management and the Team. Remember: you’re example for your Team. If you expect timely responses from them, you need to do the same.
Informing the Team or a Team member about unexpected situation or work organization as soon as it happens in a clear and understandable form. The information should be shared in an effect
- Address service targets, aspiration and client expectations.
- Develop, manage and maintain effective working relationships with all Richemont eco system contacts.
- Provide a well structured working environment in which the team are service fcused, motivated and feel encouraged to take on new challenges and improve their skills
- Effectively manage and motivate the team
- Monitor and report progress to Richemont
- Allocate work to the team(s)
- Manager team-related issues and risks
1. SLAs/KPIs
watching over the SLAs and KPIs of the Team and making sure that those are delivered on target,
facilitating the Team the possibilities to deliver the SLAs and KPIs agreed in the contract,
tracking risks and issues in SLAs and KPIs delivery and addressing them in appropriate manner,
anticipating potential risks and issues in SLA and KPI delivery by correct Team management
2. Communication
Always transmitting any messages to the Team or Team member, both oral or written, in a polite and politically correct manner. Despite the circumstances of the behavior on the other side, your communication always needs to be professional, calm, lacking of personal opinion or lacking in emotional character,
Informing in advance the Team or a Team member about their duties. The information should be shared in an effective manner, they way it’s not only a task completion, but will have result in the addressed people/person actions; Be aware that sometimes it may require changing communication manner or channel or combining different methods until the expected result is being observed.
Informing in advance the Team or a Team member about potential changes. The information should be shared in an effective manner, they way it’s not only a task completion, but will have result in the addressed people/person actions; Be aware that sometimes it may require changing communication manner or channel or combining different methods until the expected result is being observed.
Listen to the Teams or individual’s feedback, both oral and written, in a non-retaliation manner and improve processes and procedures whenever possible.
Respond in a timely manner to emails and chats, both from your management and the Team. Remember: you’re example for your Team. If you expect timely responses from them, you need to do the same.
Informing the Team or a Team member about unexpected situation or work organization as soon as it happens in a clear and understandable form. The information should be shared in an effect
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