



【ESG求人】4大監査法人 サステナビリティ・ESGアドバイザリー 競合比較と戦略

.png - 【AIによる寄稿】クラウドコンピューティングとは



When discussing the structure of cloud computing, it is the structure of the application system that’s involved with the delivery of the cloud service that’s being referred to. The simplest way of searching in a cloud system is to split it into two components: the front end, as well as the back end. When looking at the advantages of cloud computing, we could see this 1 of the advantages is the lack of absolutely essential for a costly on website structure since that part of the system is handled by the cloud supplier, and a front end\/rear ends division can allow for a simpler way of describing the advantages.

The front end of a cloud system it is the platform cloud, that it is the side that the user sees. The only hardware that’s needed in the front end of the system it is a pc that has internet access – the all the time it is with the web where the front end and rear end communicate with one another. Based upon the specific cloud system, the software or applications that the user uses to get the service may differ, but the simplest cases is an internet browser. A daily example of this is internet based e-mail accounts – the user runs on the browser to connect to their e-mail account, while every other part of the system it is handled in the rear end by the supplier.

It’s also possible for cloud services to need a more specialized program for users to connect to the cloud. The rear end of the cloud system it is the cloud itself. The cloud includes a number of various parts which could usually be broken down into: the storage, the service along with the structure. The storage is where all the users information is stored and is much bigger than will be normal with an on site system since the cloud provider has to make sure that the data is very safe back-up in case of data loss.





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1 - 【AIによる寄稿】クラウドコンピューティングとは




